Friday, May 29, 2009

Sad Day

My grampa passed away today.  He would have been 91 this November.  This is the best picture I have of him right now since I'm not at home.  He had dimentia, which is kinda like Alzheimer's  He and my gramma were married about 65 years (I don't remember exactly when they were married) but have known each other for 70.  I'm sad that I couldn't be there right now.  There won't be a funeral, instead he's going to be cremated and his ashes will go in the Columbia River since in the whole four years they lived in Vancouver, he didn't believe the Columbia River was there.  The day before I left for NC, I went and cut his hair and when I gave him a hug as I was leaving, it felt like it would be for the last time.  It's been a long time since anyone close in the family has died.  The last time was my other grandpa and I was about 13 or 14 so it's been a while.  I'm grateful for the gospel and that I'll be able to see him again someday.  I love you grampa.


Marissa said...

Oh Jami, I'm so sorry for your loss. Hang in there. Call me anytime if you want to talk. Love and miss you.

Natalie Wagner said...

Hugs. My grandma passed away 15 years ago, and sometimes while I'm driving down the road, I start to tear up because I miss her. Much love.