Tuesday, February 17, 2009


The beginning of this month was the cub scouts Blue and Gold Banquet. This year Bry wanted to make a bear for his cake. Of course we waited until the last minute so instead of both Doug and Bry working on it, I did it myself seeing as we were out of time. When it was time to eat the desserts, the first to go were the ears then the mouth, nose and eyes.

Last night as I went to check on the kids before I went to bed, this was how I found Aiden. I'm amazed at how much they move around when they're little.

Finally, for my birthday Doug got me Mama Mia. When I was real little, my dad would play his records Saturday night as we'd get ready for church the next day. Mom would do my hair and dad would be sitting in front of his stereo playing record after record. ABBA was won of my favorite groups he played. So when I went and saw the movie in the theater, I knew I just had to have the DVD. My kids love the songs and they're constantly singing them.

1 comment:

Marissa said...

HOW CUTE IS SHE?!?!?!?! I can't believe what an adorable little voice she has. :) Great post!