Monday, November 9, 2009

From the mouths of babes

I've been collecting these for a few weeks now.

Bryson: "It smells like he wet his pants" (Referring to Aiden)
Mom: "Did you wet your pants?"
Aiden: "It's almost dry."

Olivia toots
Mom: "Why are you so tooty today?"
Olivia (very seriously): "My body just does that."

Olivia: "Do you know what I dreamed?"

Mom: "What?"

Olivia: "There were these two guys and they were in the toilet and then they flushed it and had their hands up in the air."

Olivia: "I on askident (she can't say accident) swallowed my gum. It went through my throat."

Mom: "What do you want for your birthday dinner?"

Olivia: "Steak.........and jello."

Olivia has been in bed for a while, we heard a noise then she starts crying. Dad goes in to see what happens and she has bonked her nose on the bed. How she did that, I don't know but Doug comes out of the room chuckling. He said she told him she would put water on her nose in the morning so it won't be bruised. Explanation: The last few days she's had smashed fingers and burned her arm so we immediately put her owies in cold water so they won't be very bruised or blistery the next day. Don't worry, by morning she had forgotten all about it and there was no bruise to be seen.

Doug is playing a video game when his phone rings. He turns the game and tv off and answers his phone. In reply to a question asked on the other end he says, "not much just sitting at home doing nothing."

Olivia in the background: "No you're not, you're playing a game."

Aiden: "What are you doing?"

Mom: "Puting Carmex on my lips because they're chapped. Do you want some?"

He nods his head yes.

A few minutes later I see him sitting on the couch touching his lips.

Mom: "What are you doing, Aiden?"

Aiden: "My lips are spicey, that's why I wiped them on my jammies."

The sun was setting and the sky was a beautiful pink.

Olivia: "Mom, you see that over there?" pointing to the sky.

Mom: "Yes, what about it?"

Olivia: "That's Jesus' heart."

1 comment:

Marissa said...

Love those things! Kids are so cute! :)