Friday, October 3, 2008

Job Update 3

Yesterday Doug was offered a job and today he had two interviews. I'm glad things are finally happening but here's the thing. The job that was offered (and he said yes) requires him to be gone for three weeks and then home for one week. With this job, he will be selling home security systems. The money can be great but we're not too thrilled having him gone for such long periods of time. Today he interviewed for a different sales position, which we both didn't feel was what he should do. The other job was for a driving position. We like that it's close to home and it's similar to UPS and there are benefits but the pay isn't good. He'd have to get a second job and we did that for seven years, we really don't want to do it again. Ugh! I'm really hating this roller coaster ride right now.


Siouxsie said...

Wow, that does seem pretty stressful. I sure hope things work out really well for you guys and get settled down soon! Limbo stinks!

Marissa said...

I'm glad things are starting to come in though. That's encouraging. And you know you can call me for ANYTHING you need. :)When does he start?

Michelle and James said...

Things will work out you just get to take a little journey to get to the end of the road.