Sunday, September 7, 2008

You've Been Tagged!

I tag Leslie, Marissa, and Michelle

Here is what you need to do: Once you've been tagged you have to take a picture of all these things exactly as they are! No cleaning, or fixing in any way! Have fun.
1.Self Portrait
2.What your kids or house mates are doing at the moment
3.Kitchen sink exactly as it is at the moment
4.Laundry room
5. Fridge
6. Your bathroom
7. Your closet
8. Favorite pair of shoes
9. Favorite room in the house
10. Dream Vacation

1.Self Portrait:

(Gosh I look old)

2.What your kids or house mates are doing at the moment
Shan playing with neighbor girl, Bry emptying dishwasher (hence #3)

Liv playing in the gameroom, Aid watching TV
3.Kitchen sink exactly as it is at the moment
(Waiting for Bry)

4.Laundry room

5. Fridge

6. Your bathroom

7. Your closet

(Hubby's side is behind the door)
8. Favorite pair of shoes

9. Favorite room in the house

Our always messy family room.
10. Dream Vacation
Tahiti is just one place.


Anonymous said...

Your house looks great for how many people live in it. I am always fighting the mess and at most we have 4 people and one giant dog. Kudos to the whole Ward crew especially mom for getting the job done!

The Eccles said...

Your house is cleaner than mine!!! And I have NO excuses!!!

Teresa said...

That was fun! (by the way, I'm pretty sure you look younger in real life! at least from the last time I saw's only been three years! wow, really?!).

I'm so sorry about Doug's job. I hope if he doesn't' get his job back that you come and move into my neighborhood. Though Leslie will probably be mad if you moved here. it's much prettier here than where she lives, though. why am I talking about you moving? because I'm insane. i know you never would. For reals, though, I hope you guys are able to find a job quickly. Hugs...