Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Ouch and Double Ouch

So this is what happens when you're not paying attention while turning the corner.

(picture removed)

The end result: No more job and a $421.00 ticket.

Please keep us in your prayers as the hubby starts the gruelsome task of fighting for his job back.

(No one was hurt, except for his pride.)


Leslie said...

Wow! That looks a little messy. I am really glad that he didn't hit another car. Hope his fight is successful.

Anonymous said...

Dang that's a nice rig. How can I get me one of those. Minus the pole. HeHeHe. Sorry I can't help but try to laugh when I want to cry. Thinking of you. Nat

The Eccles said...

So Sorry to hear about that...our stake is having a fast for employment, I will keep you guys in our prayers. GOOD LUCK!

Marissa said...

What a picture! So sad about Doug's job, but stay positive. Hopefully he'll get his job back and you won't have to worry about anything.

Michelle and James said...

We are all praying for you guys. I wish I would've checked the blog before you had to remove the pictures but I understand why you would've had to remove them. Keep a positive attitude and all will be well.