As I was getting ready for church this morning, I badly wanted to get on the computer and vent about how I haven't been able to sleep peacefully through the night since Doug has been gone. It seems the two younguns love to play games during the middle of the night, taking turns waking me from my much needed beauty sleep. I went to bed last night just after 11pm only to toss and turn until 12:15am. Next thing I know it is 1:30am, Aiden is pounding his head and humming to himself. This can only mean one of four things, he's uncovered and cold, he is waking up for the morning or from his nap, he's going to sleep or he has to go potty. In this case it was the latter. I get him to go potty and tuck him in nice and snug so he won't wake up cold. I go to bed and at 6:34am I hear Liv yell, "MOM!" I couldn't believe it. My alarm is set to go off at 7am. I go see what she needs and ask if she needs to go potty and she shakes her head no, "I need to blow my nose." I get her some TP and then she decides she needs to go to the bathroom after all. I get her all tucked back in bed and I climb back in my bed and then I hear her start to cough. She coughs and coughs and coughs. I climb back out, get her a glass of water and climb back in. A few minutes later I hear, "Mom." I wait. "MOm." I wait some more, maybe she'll get out of bed and take care of what she needs by herself. My alarm goes off. "MOM!" I go back in, "WHAT?!?!" "I need to blow my nose again." By this time I've lost it and I proceed to chew her out that if she needs something, she can get down and do it herself and I'm not going to get her some tissue for her nose, she can get it. I then go hop in the shower and continue getting ready for church. I wake all the kids up at 8am (yes, Liv has gone back to sleep) and help them get ready but wait, where's Liv? It's 8:20 already. Shan says she's still asleep. "Will you please go and wake her up?" It's now 8:30, "Hurry and go get something to eat, wait, where's Liv?" "She's still asleep, mom." Argh! I'm frantically dressing her and somehow manage to get her hair done but now she's throwing a fit because I had to put her cereal in a baggy so she can eat her breakfast during sacrament meeting but she wants to eat her cereal with milk and doesn't want to go to church. We finally get to church and it has decided to start raining the minute we pull into a parking spot and it's not just a sprinkle. Great, I've straightened my hair and now it's going to get all frizzy because the kids aren't cooperating and I'm standing in the rain trying to get Aiden out of his carseat and Liv doesn't want to go out her side of the car, she wants to come out my side. Now I've gotten Aiden out and I tell him to run to the door and everyone decides to come out my side of the car so I have to wait until everyone unloads so I can shut the door because the previous week one of the doors didn't shut all the way so the car was left unlocked and a few months ago we had a number of car breakins happen during church. I don't see Aiden right away so I have the other kids go in one side of the building and I go in the other. "Do you see him, is he over there?" "No." "Great, go in and get a seat please while I look for him." I go back outside and see him come around the corner in the parking lot with a big ol' smile on his face and all wet. It is now 8:55am.
So that was my morning and the afternoon was littered with a bunch of other small things and now it's 9:40pm and I'm still being riddled with "Mom, I need to blow my nose." "Mom, I need to brush my hair" (because Liv managed to spill grape juice on the floor and proceeded to drink it up off the floor resulting in getting juice in her hair and I forgot to clean it out). Aiden is hollering to Liv, oh wait, now he needs me to wipe his nose.
Ok, so I've been talking with my sister and she's been having some serious nanny problems. I offered to help her out since Bryce (her husband) is in Iraq for a year and Doug will now be gone most of the time. Looks like in two weeks I'll be heading out to the east coast with all the kids to go and live with her for a few months. She has three girls and since she too is in the military she has to work and really needs help around the house. It'll be an interesting and fun adventure for us all. I'm excited to go but also sad because I won't know anyone out there and I've got such wonderful friends here who I'll miss terribly (thanks again Marissa for the fun girls night out). I just have to keep telling myself, it's only a few months, it's only a few months.
So if you've made it all the way through my ramblings, way to go and if not, I don't care, this is more for myself anyways. Oh, Doug should be home this Wednesday! Yay!!!!