Sunday, March 8, 2009

Where's Daddy?

Every night Doug has called to tell us where he's at, have family prayer with us, talk to the kids one by one and tell them goodnight. We go to our big map of the USA that's on our wall in the kitchen and find where dad's at. It's lots of fun for the kids, they love it. The first night was spent down in Salem, Oregon. Then it was Ontario Oregon, Evanston Wyoming, Laramie Wyoming, Grand Island Nebraska, and tonight they were heading to Gary Indiana. By Tuesday evening they are supose to be in Allentown Pennsylvania to deliver their shipment. It can be very confusing, first Mass. then Denver then Atlanta, then back to Mass and now Penn. The drivers are only allowed so many hours on the road each day, so if they don't have enough hours to get them to a certain destination in time, they're rerouted to somewhere else. He seems to be enjoying himself, despite being away from the family.

All's quiet here on the western front. I try to take little notes here and there to tell Doug when he calls. For instance, yesterday morning Liv was dancing around in my bathroom obviously needing to go. I had to tell her to go potty and when she sat down and started going she says, "Ahhhhhh, that's much better." Also, Aiden had way too much to drink last night and managed to wet the bed twice.

I asked Brian, Doug's trainer, what's one of the craziest things he's seen (he's been driving for 22 years). It was hard for him to decide since there's LOTS that goes on. He said one time he watched a driver for UPS that was pulling three trailers, crash. The back trailer started swaying and it pulled all the trailers down. I wonder if they fired the driver. Hee-hee. He said that was scary. Brian also witnessed a driver being arrested for not wearing any clothes while pulling into a weigh station. Just this morning Doug said a driver got on and gave everyone a sermon. Ahhh, the life of a truck driver.


Anonymous said...

It sounds like it will be a geography lesson for the kids. I hope everyone is doing ok with this seperation. I know it has to be hard. A lot of slope workers up here do 2 weeks on 2 weeks off. What kinda down time will he have with the family?
I make little notes on what to talk about some days too. The first time I pulled my list out it raised an eyebrow. (but you don't want to forget)
Sending you a big hug. nat

Michelle and James said...

That's cute that the kids get excited and want to know where Doug is at. Its tough I'm sure but at least we have technology to keep in touch. Hope all is well we miss you guys. I should keep lits of things to tell James (and we don't have kids) because I forget.